order repeat prescription in Kirkham

You will probably be informed of a variety of things when you are initially prescribed medicine, along with how long you must take it. But often, you aren’t told how to continue taking the medication after your current stock runs out. You’ll need a repeat prescription for that, so it’s important to learn how to order one. This is where HMI Pharmacy comes in handy. In order to help you regain control over your health, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to know regarding repeat prescriptions. Keep reading to find out how to order a repeat prescription from our pharmacy in Kirkham.

What is a repeat prescription?

If you take medicine on a regular basis, they are normally in the form of a repeat prescription. You can get your medicine when needed without having to see a GP.

How does the repeat prescription service work?

When a doctor gives you a prescription for medication, you will talk to them regarding how you should take it, how often you should take it, and whether you will need to take it for a long time. Then, usually, your pharmacy will get your prescription electronically. Alternatively, you can bring the prescription to your nearest pharmacy so that the pharmacist can fill it out if this isn’t the case.

If you can regularly take that medication, your doctor will write you a repeat prescription. You may have had consultations with your doctor until this point; however, this is often done after you have been checked for possible side effects and reactions.

Oftentimes, you’ll have to call the doctor’s office or use an app to order the medicine, then visit the pharmacy of your choice to pick it up after a few days. It is also probable that your surgery will arrange things so that you won’t need to request your medication. Instead, they are automatically dispensed for, let’s say, six months. It’s known as repeat dispensing. Then, your pharmacist will probably conduct a Medication Use Review or the doctor will request that you schedule an appointment for a review.

order repeat prescription in Kirkham

How do I order a repeat prescription in Kirkham?

GP clinics may use a different process for ordering a repeat prescription depending on the technology they employ. Following the COVID-19 outbreak, the majority of general practitioners’ offices now accept online inquiries; however, it is occasionally still possible to place an order in person or by phone. This service saves time in addition to being handy. Even when the pharmacy is closed, you’ll still be able to pick up your medications when it’s convenient for you.

There are five simple steps to take when selecting this service;

1. The first step is to Sign Up with us for this service.
2. Once your prescription is ready, we will text you to inform you about it.
3. We also text you a secret PIN code that you will use to collect the medicines.
4. Once you are at the collection point, you will need to log in using the secret PIN on the pick up points touchscreen and collect your medicines.
5. Simply pick up the bag of medications at your preferred time using a practical, secure, and fully automated method.

How long does it take to receive my repeat prescription?

The surgery may need two working days to process your request for a repeat prescription since your doctor must approve each prescription unless they have given you authorisation to take the medication for 6 months. The pharmacist will then dispense the repeat prescription. Depending on their supply of medicine, this could take two to five days. Keeping this in mind, make sure to order the medications you require before it runs out. To assist you in keeping track of your repeat prescriptions, many online pharmacies will notify you when it’s time to place another order.

Can I take a repeat prescription to any pharmacy?

Your repeat prescription will typically be electronically sent to a pharmacy of your choosing each time you request one. If your doctor has one on-site, for instance, they may occasionally send it there. You can let your GP office know if you’d like to pick up your medication from another pharmacy. Nevertheless, you may need an NHS number to do so.

order repeat prescription in Kirkham

How do I sign up and order a repeat prescription in Kirkham?

Get in touch with HMI Pharmacy to find out more about this service and how you can order a repeat prescription in Kirkham. Sign up with us today!

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This blog post was written on behalf of HMI Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.