blood pressure testing in Kirkham

To help in identifying undetected health issues, we encourage you to take regular blood pressure tests. If your blood pressure is excessively high, you can lower it with the help of your pharmacist or doctor. Only a blood pressure test can determine if you have high blood pressure. Most often, high blood pressure has no symptoms or warning indications, and many people are unaware they have it. Keep reading to learn more about blood pressure testing in Kirkham.

What are high and low blood pressure?

Low blood pressure, or hypotension, rarely causes problems, although in some people it might cause symptoms including dizziness and fainting.

If high blood pressure is not managed, it may increase your risk of serious illnesses like heart disease.

Healthy persons over the age of 40 should get their blood pressure checked at least once every five years. If you are at a high risk of developing hypertension, you ought to have your blood pressure checked more often, at least once a year. This simple process could be a lifesaver.

blood pressure testing in Kirkham

What are the most common types of blood pressure testing?

If you have hypertension, your pharmacist may advise further testing to verify the diagnosis. The tests include:

Continuous ambulatory monitoring. By using this 24-hour blood pressure monitoring test, you can determine whether or not you have high blood pressure. The technology used in this test allows the device to regularly take your blood pressure over the course of a 24-hour period. You can now see your blood pressure changes more clearly during the day and at night.
Lab tests. Your pharmacist or doctor might suggest urinalysis (a urine test) and blood tests, including a cholesterol test.
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). The heart’s electrical impulses are measured by this quick test.
– Depending on your symptoms and the results of the test, your doctor may order an echocardiogram test to check for additional heart disease symptoms.

What is normal blood pressure by age?

The recommended blood pressure is shown below for each age and gender group:


– 21-25 – 120.5/78.5
– 26-30 – 119.5/76.5
– 31-35 – 114.5/75.5
– 36-40 – 120.5/75.5
– 41-45 – 115.5/78.5
– 46-50 – 119.5/80.5
– 51-55 – 125.5/80.5
– 56-60 – 129.5/79.5
– 61-65 – 143.5/76.5


– 21-25 – 115.5/70.5
– 26-30 – 113.5/71.5
– 31-35 – 110.5/72.5
– 36-40 – 112.5/74.5
– 41-45 – 116.5/73.5
– 46-50 – 124/78.5
– 51-55 – 122.55/74.5
– 56-60 – 132.5/78.5
– 61-65 – 130.5/77.5

When should you go for blood pressure testing in Kirkham?

Checking your blood pressure regularly is important, especially if you have any concerns.

Adults in England between the ages of 40 and 74 are given the option to have their blood pressure checked every five years as part of the NHS Health Check.

If the findings show that you have hypertension or low blood pressure or are highly prone to developing either, you may need to have the tests performed more frequently.

Can I get my blood pressure testing at a pharmacy?

Yes. You can get a quick in-store check to measure your blood pressure in a pharmacy near you. This forms part of the NHS Hypertension Case-Finding Service.  You can discuss your results with the pharmacist in the same way that you would with your doctor. By recording your blood pressure readings, you can make note of any future changes.

Risks of high blood pressure

If your blood pressure is too high, it puts additional strain on your heart, blood vessels, and other organs including your brain, kidneys, and eyes.

You run a higher chance of having a number of serious, potentially fatal illnesses, including:

Heart disease
Vascular dementia
Heart failure
Heart attacks
Peripheral arterial disease
Aortic aneurysms
Kidney disease

When you have high blood pressure, even a slight decrease will help minimise your risk of contracting specific diseases.

How do you treat high blood pressure?

We can help you keep your blood pressure under control by using:

– Lifestyle changes
– Medicines

Everyone has their own ideal solution. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for advice before choosing a course of treatment.


Lifestyle changes that can lower blood pressure

The following lifestyle changes can help prevent and lower high blood pressure:

– Consume a balanced diet and limit your salt intake
– Drink less alcohol
– Avoid consuming too much caffeine
– If you’re overweight, lose weight
– Regular exercise
– Quit smoking

Some people with high blood pressure may also need to take one or more medications to keep their blood pressure from getting too high.

Visit HMI Pharmacy today for blood pressure testing in Kirkham.

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This blog post was written on behalf of HMI Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.